Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lace Airbrushed Cake

I apologize for my lack of pictures this week. I try so hard to grab as many pictures as I can but this week I had some dental work done and was just not really motivated (or 'alert' enough to remember) to take pictures before I was finished. I am sorry for that! 
However we did learn how to work with the airbrush this week in class. It was very interesting! I am not an artist, so I was using it more as a tool for laying a base/accent color down on my cake. Not necessarily to 'paint' an image on the cake. I am not that talented sadly. 

But I did lay some lace over my simple 9x13 frosted with white buttercream. I decided to try to make a teal colored cake this week. So I mixed blue, white, and a little bit of green, to give me that nice bright teal color. I sprayed all over the cake before removing the lace, giving a more continuous look to the pattern. 

Then I placed a 'Happy Birthday' stencil over the top of the cake and sprayed black over it. It worked out pretty well! Way better (and FASTER!) than using icing for sure!

We also worked on making gum paste flowers today. They didn't have enough time to dry completely. However they were dry enough to place on the cake, just not dry enough to cover with petal or luster dust. So they stayed white. But that's fine. It looks great with this cake. The color is so bright that the simpler flowers are needed. 
I did make a few small leaves covered with petal dust (as you can see it didn't cover completely) to help complete my flower arrangement. 

The finishing touch was the simple pearl/circle border around the bottom to cover up any mistakes. 

It's definitely not perfect but I am pretty happy with it. I am giving it to my friend this week. It's not her birthday exactly...but soon. So why not celebrate early! :) 

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